Finally!  Everything lined up and all decision makers saw the need for this little girl to have two ears!  Today was a day we were both excited about but kind of dreaded (as her parents).  Evie was over the moon excited.  I kept thinking it would disolve into a bundle of crying nerves at some point but no, she saw it through all the way to the OR.   She’s pretty amazing.  I may have been the one crying.


If you are wondering what in the world I’m even talking about . . . you can catch up here.  Then come on back 🙂


Evie had her existing “broken ear” (as she has called it since she started talking) removed.   Then the posts that the magnets go in were inserted into her skull.  Icky.    When I asked her how she felt about her broken ear being taken off the other day she said “well you know when you’ve had something your whole life and then it’s gone?  It’s a little sad”  True story, Evie.   But she knew that’s what it takes to get the job done so she was in.  A few days ago at breakfast I asked her if she thought she needed anything for her surgery and she said “well, I’d really like a banner that says ‘Happy New Ear’ please.”  Okay.  When I had the banner made I asked the ladies if they had ever made one before and they said “not on purpose” :).

Everything went perfectly during surgery!  Tomorrow she’ll have the dressing taken off and we will see what’s there!  She says she’s  most excited to itch her head.  Now that the surgery is done we wait for the healing.  Typically about 12 weeks until the ear can be put on.  Exciting stuff around here!  Praise God for his provision!


The banner:


She wanted one last picture of her “broken ear”




of course the first thing they do is have her change.  she wasn’t big on their fashion but she’s a good sport and could rock a flour sack.





She thought it was hilarious that they needed to mark which ear to take off!


Yay for TV in the rooms and personal devices 🙂


I wasn’t kidding when I say she was EXCITED!!!!


DSC_9179DSC_9181This is the grouchiest picture I have of her. . . and it wasn’t grouchy as much as not quite awake yet.


some food


and there’s a little smile


back to sleep for a bit

DSC_9196yay for faithful blankies . . .


Up and at em . . .time to go home. . . but still kinda sleepy

DSC_9202and home . . .


faithful guardian





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