Sometimes things happen and you just don’t get it. Everything is going along as planned and then it’s not. Evie’s new hardware got infected and so we were unable to go to Minneapolis this week to get her ear. Evie was sad but I think she handled it better than I did! Thankfully, she is healing very well and has such a great attitude. I had to be reminded that this isn’t life or death and there are so many mom’s out there who deal with very sick children daily and I am not one of them. Prayers to those mommas.
We rescheduled for August 3-7 and will cross our fingers that it will all work out! (especially since in our sadness I made the promise that she would have it before 4th grade and I would hate to have to wait to have her start school until January or something!!!)
Thanks to all of you who reached out for a like/post on Facebook. It made us feel loved. In the meantime we are kind of taking it easy this week anyway. Yesterday we had a mani/pedi date. She was pretty thrilled. Then asked when we can go somewhere that we can put cucumbers on our eyes and have massages