Royal Minis {Rapid City Children’s Photography}
Our Royal Minis are here!
February 18-19 (this is President’s Day Weekend)
February 26
Sessions are $50 and include a 15 minute styling session to help you pick out the best accessories and 15 minute photography session to capture all the royal goodness.
We will have a lot of different capes/cloaks to choose from for both boys and girls (more images soon)
Many crowns and a few other accessories to add to the session (images soon)
An antique couch
A throne
Children must be sitting for these sessions but there’s no age limit. We will have capes and crowns to fit all sizes as well as coordinating for families or friends that want images together. You do not have to use our props if you have your own. Or you can mix and match. (ask me about some etsy vendors that have some great stuff!)
Prints and Digitals will be available after the session in an on-line gallery.
Location will be emailed to you after booking.
Book Here:
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