Leavin On A Jet Plane


Legacy will be closed February 4-8.  I’m attending a one on one training with Kelly Moore Clark (www.kellymoorephotography.com).  Kelly’s style is definitely a litte edgier than mine but she is crazy successful and I am all about learning from some one who went before me!  I’m excited to work with a wedding photographer for a change of pace!  Also, I’ve never been to Louisiana although the forecast is predicting that it will be warmer in SD than where I’m going 🙁

So if you are having a photo emergency and need to get a hold of me, you can email and I’ll be checking in periodically but otherwise I will return calls and emails on Monday February 9th.

I’ve got nothing to take a picture of here . . . so maybe later. . .or not!  I just remembered that I left my card reader at home. . .well then. . .much later!

Little known Amy factoid:  I secretly love John Denver songs mostly (I think) because he and I have the same vocal range. (hence the title of this post)

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